Board Director
Catholic Children’s Aid Society of Toronto (CCAS) “For the Love of Children”
The Catholic Children’s Aid Society of Toronto (CCAS) is currently recruiting individuals who have the time, expertise, and passion to help advance our mission as a volunteer member of its Board of Directors.
Our Mission:
The Catholic Children’s Aid Society of Toronto, on behalf of the Catholic community is committed to providing social services that protect children and strengthen family life.
CCAS is incorporated as a not-for-profit agency, with core operations funded by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services of the Province of Ontario. Mandated by the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017, we are, on behalf of the Catholic community, committed to providing social services that protect children and strengthen family life. With over 400 staff, 146 volunteers and approximately 75 foster and group homes, CCAS provides a wide range of services to approximately 2,500 families per year. We value human dignity; the courage and integrity to take a stand; partnership and teamwork; cultural, racial, and individual differences; and professional excellence.
The Society is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors whose mandate is to provide agency accountability and oversight through the Board itself as well as through its various subcommittees.
Term: A minimum commitment of three (3) years to the Directorship.
Position Qualifications:
- 18 years of age or older.
- Communicant of the Roman Catholic Church.
- Must live or work in Toronto.
- Knowledge and skills in Board governance.
- Previous experience serving on a Board is desirable.
We are seeking individuals with competencies in one or more of the following areas:
- Diversity: racial, age, cultural and ethnic;
- Innovation/Efficiency Management;
- Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) and Sustainable Analysis or Management;
- Equity/Community Engagement work;
- Advocacy/Government Relations;
- Public Affairs/Communicatio
- Human Resource Management;
- Direct Catholic Community involvement or experience.
As the Catholic Children’s Aid Society works under the auspice of the French Language Service Act, we welcome Francophone individuals to apply for all posted positions.
Position Requirements:
- Attend bi-monthly Board meetings and Annual General Meeting (a combination of in-person and remote attendance).
- Serve on one sub-committee of the Board (with option to attend some remotely).
- Prepare for and participate in the discussions and deliberations of the Board.
- Be aware of and consciously avoid any Conflicts of Interest.
- Adhere to Oath of Confidentiality.
- Willingness to subject to a Vulnerable Sector Check.
- Commitment to CCAS mission and willingness to share expertise to advance it, and willingness to publicly support the organization.
How to Apply
Qualified applicants should submit their resume and expression of interest in writing to Colleen Gauthier at
2021/22 Board of Directors
- His Eminence, Cardinal Thomas Collins, Honourary President
Executive Committee of the Board
- President - Tony Cocuzzo
- 1st Vice President - Elizabeth McGee
- 2nd Vice President - Vanessa Cocco
- Secretary - Susanne DesRochers
- Treasurer - Tara Tinmouth
- Past President - Erin O’Brien
Board Members
- Edivaldo Bravo da Costa
- Mark Creedon
- Michael Fullan
- Philip Gillin
- Geoffrey Grayhurst
- Phil Lindsay
- Erin Metzler
- Dr. Henry Parada
- John Voutsinos